Combine 2 videos into 1
I have a 2 part episode the IMDB lists as a single episode.  Is there a numbering  scheme that ill tell TMM to label these as Episode 1 part 1 and part 2 instead of episode 1 and 2?
There is, or better: was
But inside TMM we also never supported this...

The easiest way would be, to combine your files to a single one...
There are plenty of tools out there, even without the need for recoding....
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?
avidemux works well is free and no reencoding.
Öhhm, but why?
Kodi does it for you.
Name your files with part1, part 2 or whatever wiki says.
Scrape part 1 proper with tmm and your done.
Odroid-N2 CoreElec Kodi 19 with Aeon MQ 8 Mod
Synology DS 218+ (nfs) with Syno-MariaDB 10

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Combine 2 videos into 10