Installing plugins in XBMC Dashboard
Hey guys. So I had to make some changes and I installed XBMC as a dashboard instead of an application. All went well, but now I'm having trouble finding where I should put my plugins. I did not find a plugins directory with a video subdirectory. What I found was:


neither of these had the video subdirectory. I created a video directory in each and uploaded my scripts there. I do not get the option to add the plugins from the 'add source' dialog. I also added a plugins directory with th e files in it but it didn't work either.

I tried to find the version number but couldn't find it in the GUI. I spotted a changelog and it's last entry was from Sept. 2006! Yipes! That might be the problem. How do I got about updating XBMC files but still retain the XBMC dashboard?

Thanks again!
Grab a new build and read the online manual and any "release notes" that come with the build you obtain.

Once done, ask any questions you need to know before commencing. It's best to install it elsewhere at first and make sure it works before overwriting your current dash.
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Installing plugins in XBMC Dashboard0