Problem with listings of TV Recordings after replacing disk
I have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Librelec 9.2.1.   I was concerned about the external hard drive that recordings was going to,  so I got a new disk and copied my recordings over to the new disk.  Yesterday,  I made the swap over and things looked fine.     Sometime between 11pm last night and 6pm tonight,  my Raspberry Pi rebooted (which it does periodically).   When I went to view recordings,  the listing of recordings is screwy.   Going to TV Recordings,   the recordings that were copied from the old disk were being displayed in a single layer.  Recordings that happened after the reboot were being shown in folders.   Recordings that happened after the disk swap, but prior to the reboot were not being shown.  I tried changing around the display options for the TV Recordings and things did not change.   I then tried rebooting the box,  and I only see the recordings from prior to the disk swap.

I am not sure what to investigate.   

The new recordings are going to the new disk.   The TV Recordings were showing up fine after the disk swap prior to the reboot.
(2020-08-18, 04:31)wilsonjohnpat Wrote: I have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Librelec 9.2.1.   I was concerned about the external hard drive that recordings was going to,  so I got a new disk and copied my recordings over to the new disk.  Yesterday,  I made the swap over and things looked fine.     Sometime between 11pm last night and 6pm tonight,  my Raspberry Pi rebooted (which it does periodically).   When I went to view recordings,  the listing of recordings is screwy.   Going to TV Recordings,   the recordings that were copied from the old disk were being displayed in a single layer.  Recordings that happened after the reboot were being shown in folders.   Recordings that happened after the disk swap, but prior to the reboot were not being shown.  I tried changing around the display options for the TV Recordings and things did not change.   I then tried rebooting the box,  and I only see the recordings from prior to the disk swap.

I am not sure what to investigate.   

The new recordings are going to the new disk.   The TV Recordings were showing up fine after the disk swap prior to the reboot.
A new data point. I thought to check the web interface for TV Headend.  The new recordings are not showing up in the Finished Recordings tab.

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Problem with listings of TV Recordings after replacing disk0