Solved Video cache settings are ignored on Kodi 18.8
Hi all,

I have LibreELEC 9.2.4 and I've added an advancedsettings.xml file in userdata to increase the video cache.  My kodi.log shows:

2020-10-02 02:08:39.356 T:139818630613120  NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml
2020-10-02 02:08:39.356 T:139818630613120  NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...
2020-10-02 02:08:39.356 T:139818630613120 WARNING: CSettingsManager: missing version attribute

However the memory usage shown in the Codec Info Screen does not change whether I have an advancedsettings.xml file or not.

The same thing is also happening on my Odroid N2 running CoreELEC 9.2.4, using the same XML file.

What have I done wrong?


Hi all,

Turns out that the video cache was working correctly.  I was using the Kodi Plex add-on and the correct cache setting was not being 'seen' by the Plex Server for some reason.  The Plex Server thought the cache size was only 10MB.  If I used PlexKodiConnect (PKC) instead of the Kodi Plex Add-on the Plex Server did recognise the correct cache value on Kodi.  Very strange but problem solved.

Thread marked solved.

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Video cache settings are ignored on Kodi 18.80