Used mirror for add-on repository (different versions on different PCs)
I'm currently waiting for v5.4.2 of Universal Movie Scraper but on my Linux machine (Linux Mint 20, Kodi 18.8) I still have v5.4.1. There is no update available.
On my Windows machine (Win 10, Kodi 18.8, in the same LAN) I was able to install v.5.4.2 of the UMS from the official repo. I didn't had the scraper installed before.

Why do I have the latest version of the add-on on Windows but not on Linux?
Is it because of the used mirror?
How does this work (in simple words)?
Can I see the used mirror?
Or why do I have different version?

Based on (form my Windows PC) the number one mirror is RWTH Aachen.
Did you Check for Updates?

No. No

I thought I could update it with the "Update" button at the add-on. Obviously I was wrong. Eek

Now I have the latest version.

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Used mirror for add-on repository (different versions on different PCs)0