Learning from KODI - how to modify the splash screen on a Raspberry Pi?
I admire the wonderful splash screen on KODI! And it even works on the latest Raspberry Pi Buster operating system. I would like to do the same for a Raspberry Pi - even when not using KODI - so I was wondering if there are lessons learned.

It used to be easy on Stretch (https://www.thedigitalpictureframe.com/c...9-version/) but something has changed with Buster and despite a lot of searching, I haven't found a solution which works with Buster.

But here is KODI with a wonderful Splash Screen! Can anybody share any insights on how to customize the Raspberry Pi splash screen even for non-KODI partitions for the Buster release?
If it's using plymouth at boot (https://packages.debian.org/buster/plymouth-themes) then see https://wiki.debian.org/plymouth for details on how to modify it and create your own splash.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2020-10-20, 17:27)black_eagle Wrote: If it's using plymouth at boot (https://packages.debian.org/buster/plymouth-themes) then see https://wiki.debian.org/plymouth for details on how to modify it and create your own splash.
Thanks, I'll give that a try!

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Learning from KODI - how to modify the splash screen on a Raspberry Pi?0