Solved ArgonOne case with LibreElec/Kodi

I know it's not specifically a Kodi question, but is anyone using the Argon ONE case with Kodi on LibreElec?

I'm particularly interested in the fan control and power. I have three USB TV tuners on my RPi4, and it would be tidier if they were coming out of the back of a case, which this will allow.

Best wishes,

That might be better asked on the LE forum than here.
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2020-10-25, 19:50)DarrenHill Wrote: That might be better asked on the LE forum than here.

Fair point, but there are a lot of people here who use LibreElec. If it's against the rules, I'm happy to delete.

Best wishes,

No, it's fine to stay here.

I just literally meant you might get a better audience there to give you a proper answer...
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Kodi Blog Posts
I have that very set up. Unfortunately though I'm not sure I can be much help with fans because apart from a quick burst when powered up, the fan never runs.
(2020-10-25, 20:34)Halloway Wrote: I have that very set up. Unfortunately though I'm not sure I can be much help with fans because apart from a quick burst when powered up, the fan never runs.

That’s what I wanted to hear! Perfect. Thanks very much!
I have this case, LibreElec is also officially supported, see this guide.
(2020-10-26, 11:56)teretaro Wrote: I have this case, LibreElec is also officially supported, see this guide.

Thank you. I've ordered one!
Got it today. Working perfectly.

Initially I had a problem with no audio. Seems that others have had the same, so I messed around for half an hour trying everything. Then I plugged the HDMI cable into the socket furthest from the USB, and rebooted. Problem solved. For me, at least, the choice of HDMI compared to on the Pi itself was counter-intuitive, so I'll put this information out there in case anyone else has an issue.
Thread marked solved.

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ArgonOne case with LibreElec/Kodi0