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Overlapping subtitles have big newline gap and are cropped

I seem to have a problem with subtitles. Sometimes when subtitles are multi-line, they have big gap between lines and, even worse, second line is usually cropped:


For comparison, this is how VLC shows that same scene:


(note that there is also "to win" text in VLC that is missing in Kodi. I assume this means that subtitles have overlapping timestamps?)

Any idea what I could do to rectify this?

I've tried using both "Bottom of the video " and "Below video" positions, but issue remains. Using "Fixed" works, but I have to position subtitles very high, which makes them quite distracting (they become centertitles not subtitles).
(2020-12-29, 08:48)matejdro Wrote: Sometimes when subtitles are multi-line, they have big gap between lines

Personally I don't think it is the media player's duty to fix every small or monumental mistake that a subtitle creator makes. If subtitle creators start to make these type of mistakes, then they should find themselves a different job/hobby.

This is the 2nd time that a subtitle with 3 (or more) text lines is displayed incorrectly, also with VLC displaying an incorrect sequence of lines. Where did you get the subtitle from, and/or can you make the subtitle available for further examination?

@enen92 : another one..?
Would be nice if you could share the sample
(2020-12-29, 10:38)Klojum Wrote:
(2020-12-29, 08:48)matejdro Wrote: Sometimes when subtitles are multi-line, they have big gap between lines

Personally I don't think it is the media player's duty to fix every small or monumental mistake that a subtitle creator makes. If subtitle creators start to make these type of mistakes, then they should find themselves a different job/hobby.
I agree with you completely here, but the problem is that we don't really have the choice. I've seen issues like this with professional subtitles (official Netflix subtitles). Good luck convincing those huge media companies to get their shit together.

I've sent the sample via PM. Thanks for your help so far.
I'm guessing that the service is HBO Max given that looks to be Wonder Woman 1984, there was another similar report for this service so it seems they are messing up the encoding more than most.
(2020-12-30, 12:19)jjd-uk Wrote: I'm guessing that the service is HBO Max given that looks to be Wonder Woman 1984, there was another similar report for this service so it seems they are messing up the encoding more than most.

Already have a POC working and the issue is exactly the same as in the thread you link. However this particular sample allowed me to fix a bug in the new parsing logic.

Not sure if this should be seen as an error in the service or if Kodi should be able to cope with it though. As with most of the formats that derived from media player implementations, a concrete specification doesn't seem to exist for subrip. Theoretically, since each event is numbered, it shouldn't be possible to have more than one event per timestamp. On the other hand, I can't find any reference which indicates that stacking overlays for the same timestamp is wrong.
That being said, I'd consider this as a fix in v20.
Awesome, thanks for your help!

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Overlapping subtitles have big newline gap and are cropped0