2GB Pi 4 or Fire Stick
I have a Raspberry Pi 4 2GB I bought to do a audio project with that I haven't got around to yet. I currently am running Kodi on a 2019 non-4k Fire Stick, that seems kinda pokey. Would the Pi I have be much of a upgrade to the stick, or should I save it for my eventual audio project?
(2021-01-18, 04:50)Kolvir Wrote: I have a Raspberry Pi 4 2GB I bought to do a audio project with that I haven't got around to yet. I currently am running Kodi on a 2019 non-4k Fire Stick, that seems kinda pokey. Would the Pi I have be much of a upgrade to the stick, or should I save it for my eventual audio project?

It's pretty quick and easy to install LibreElec on the Pi and give it a go. Without knowing what you will be using Kodi for, it's hard to give good advice.
I stream media via various plugins and a limited amount of video and audio from Kodi running on my desktop.
Thread moved to the hardware section
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(2021-02-06, 21:45)Kolvir Wrote: I stream media via various plugins

That is still pretty vague if we are to suggest specific hardware.
Is 720p/1080p all you do, or is 4K HDR video involved?
What sort of plugins are we looking at?
I'm sorry for being vague.

1080p max

Plugins like youtube, library of congress, various news ad-ons, vimeo.

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2GB Pi 4 or Fire Stick0