Solved French translation error msgctxt "# 20446"
if I delete "\ n"  in the French strings.po file the translation is correct.

msgctxt "#20446"
msgid "Locally stored information found. Ignore and refresh from Internet?"
msgstr "Des informations existent déjà localement.\nFaut-il les ignorer et actualiser depuis Internet ?"

English                                                                                                                                                                   french
(2021-03-02, 10:00)roby69 Wrote: if I delete "\ n"  in the French strings.po file the translation is correct.

Try using [CR] instead, although it's best to keep the format of the original text.
here after modification. The formatting of the text is identical to the English text.


The next time the strings.po file is updated, the changes will be lost. Where should I report the error?
Thank you
(2021-03-02, 11:44)roby69 Wrote: The next time the strings.po file is updated, the changes will be lost. Where should I report the error?

I'm not sure where you got your .po file from. I just had a look in Transifex, and there was already a CR in the French (fr_FR) translation for kodi_core translations.

This is the addon of kodi repo

addon version
  provider-name="Team Kodi"

I also check with and always the error.

I use Notepad ++ to edit it
I also checked
msgctxt "#20446"
msgid "Locally stored information found. Ignore and refresh from Internet?"
msgstr "Locally stored information found. Ignore and refresh from Internet?"

and resource.language.es_es.
msgctxt "#20446"
msgid "Locally stored information found. Ignore and refresh from Internet?"
msgstr "Se ha encontrado información ya guardada. ¿La ignoro y la actualizo desde internet?"

these two files no newline "[CR]"
Apparently there are two types of newline. The \n character and the [CR] text.
I don't know if there is a significant difference between the two, but for some reason the \n doesn't work in your case.
Is this the only text string with \n that you know that isn't working? Because there are plenty others in the other text strings.
I compare with kodi 17/18/19.

kodi 17: 17 errors
kodi 18: 14 errors
kodi 19: 15 errors
I also compared resource.language.en_us and resource.language.es_es. There is no text with \ n.
That's fascinating... I'll try and give the devs a shout over this. See what their take on it is.
Thanks so much for reporting this.

We are currently working on moving translations to Weblate.
Currently we still have some remaining things to sort out, which is why we have not yet opened fully up for regular users and translators.

Once we open up, Weblate has great tools to fix these kind of issues.

[CR] should be used at all times instead of \n
\n will often result in errors.

I will take a note of this issue.
Fix pending:
The changes and fixes are pushed to the new language addons.

Thanks again for reporting this.

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French translation error msgctxt "# 20446"0