MySQL and database compare.
Hopefully I'm in the correct forum, but if not, please direct me to the proper one.  Thanks.

My question would be for someone very familiar with MySQL and database issues.  I am in the process of rebuilding my RAID6 array (8x4TB) after multiple Seagate drive failures in the past few months.  I am replacing the drives with HGST enterprise drives (5 yr warranty).  I got a glimpse of my former array before the rebuild started and it appeared that there could be up to 3TB of data missing.  I have over 3000 video files stored on the array so manually checking which ones may be missing would be extremely time consuming.

I have not opened KODI 18.9 since the drive failure because I know that (once the array is again readable) KODI will clean the database to show only the available movies.  Is there any way that I can compare two databases (by making a copy of the existing database before restarting KODI), letting KODI clean the original database, and then, by doing the database compare, create a list of the movies that are missing from the recovered and cleaned database.

I'm a TOTAL noob when it comes to MySQL functions so, if you have the time, please lay out the procedure (if it is even possible) step by step.  Thank you.

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