Multilanguate title
Hi, is there any way, how to get to NFO file into the "title" even "original title" ? I need to have "title" like this: "original_title (title)" because it will show translated and original name of the movie in "title" together. I can make an app which will edit every NFO after scraping, but is there any other way how to solve this using TinyMediaManager? Like for example some kind of script which will do this for every scraped movie ? Or using variables in titles while scraping ? Thank you very much for any help ...
Take a look at this feature:
(2021-03-22, 03:28)mirror79 Wrote: Like for example some kind of script which will do this for every scraped movie ?

Like the OP said, it would be nice if there's a way to apply a set of "bulk edit" templates to the scraped movies because the current bulk editor expert mode is only suitable for one-time task.

Can you at least add a drop-down button to "new value/pattern" box and show some (like ten) recently used patterns? That'll help if you apply a set of patterns to every new movie.


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