Solved Kodi only scraping fanart
I just did a fresh install on a new win10 pro htpc.  When I added my first source and changed the content to movies it appeared to work but when I went to double check it looks like it's only downloading fanart, no posters, icons, etc..  any ideas or help would be appreciated. 

Thinking maybe it was something with aeon nox I switched back to the default skin with no luck.  I also tried scraping with both the python version, regular version of the TMDB scraper, and also the universal movie scraper making sure UMS was set to scrape multiple sources.  When I use the context menu and go to information then artwork everything for remote images are blacked out if you know what I mean.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help
Nevermind, Took me a bit but it had to do with old .tbn files I had associated with some movies on one of my oldest drives.  In the past kodi never had an issue updating the meta info from remote servers with those files still there but it looks like v19.0 does.  Removed those files and everything scraped correctly.
Thread marked solved.
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