Nvidia Shield Kodi & Synology DS918+ NFS Path Question.
Is this working as intended? I have my Kodi library on a Synology DS918+ and I'm using the Nvidia Shield as a playback device. 

I set my library up using: Add Video Source --> Browse --> Network File System --> Select my NAS --> Select Share Folder etc., and a path to my NFS home server is added. 

However, whenever I power down my NAS to clean it and power it back up, I notice that I need to re-scrape all of the Kodi metadata. I guess this is because the NFS path is changed from the reboot. But when I try to select the new path, I still need to re-scrape. It is very time-consuming to re-scrape my entire library and I also sometimes use specifically selected cover art that isn't the default so I'd need to manually select it again.   

So my question: Is there a way to avoid having to do this every time I power off my NAS? 

Edit: I think I may need to be using a static IP? When I try to set up a new Kodi NFS path, I can see that the very last digit of the path changed from a 4 to a 0, so I guess this will continue to happen every time I reboot my NAS unless I get a static IP? Not really sure how to set that up.
(2021-05-24, 01:23)Fennec Wrote: Is this working as intended? I have my Kodi library on a Synology DS918+ and I'm using the Nvidia Shield as a playback device. 

I set my library up using: Add Video Source --> Browse --> Network File System --> Select my NAS --> Select Share Folder etc., and a path to my NFS home server is added. 

However, whenever I power down my NAS to clean it and power it back up, I notice that I need to re-scrape all of the Kodi metadata. I guess this is because the NFS path is changed from the reboot. But when I try to select the new path, I still need to re-scrape. It is very time-consuming to re-scrape my entire library and I also sometimes use specifically selected cover art that isn't the default so I'd need to manually select it again.   

So my question: Is there a way to avoid having to do this every time I power off my NAS? 

Edit: I think I may need to be using a static IP? When I try to set up a new Kodi NFS path, I can see that the very last digit of the path changed from a 4 to a 0, so I guess this will continue to happen every time I reboot my NAS unless I get a static IP? Not really sure how to set that up.


For sure you need an static IP in your NAS or reserve an IP ( MAC Address ) for it in your router or whoever is managing the IP address is your system
(2021-05-24, 01:23)Fennec Wrote: Is this working as intended? I have my Kodi library on a Synology DS918+ and I'm using the Nvidia Shield as a playback device. 

I set my library up using: Add Video Source --> Browse --> Network File System --> Select my NAS --> Select Share Folder etc., and a path to my NFS home server is added. 

However, whenever I power down my NAS to clean it and power it back up, I notice that I need to re-scrape all of the Kodi metadata. I guess this is because the NFS path is changed from the reboot. But when I try to select the new path, I still need to re-scrape. It is very time-consuming to re-scrape my entire library and I also sometimes use specifically selected cover art that isn't the default so I'd need to manually select it again.   

So my question: Is there a way to avoid having to do this every time I power off my NAS? 

Edit: I think I may need to be using a static IP? When I try to set up a new Kodi NFS path, I can see that the very last digit of the path changed from a 4 to a 0, so I guess this will continue to happen every time I reboot my NAS unless I get a static IP? Not really sure how to set that up.
I run the exact same setup and I have a static IP setup for the nas. NFS is what I use for Kodi and have not had issues after powering back up the NAS after shutdown.
I have an asus router where under Lan>DHCP server I can assign a manual IP to the nas and/or on the synology it is found in control panel>network>Network interface. Highlight Lan 1 (which probably is the one that shows connected) and edit it for manual IP. I have mine set to automatic as I have set the IP in the router for the NAS.

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Nvidia Shield Kodi & Synology DS918+ NFS Path Question.0