v19 Light weight with Main Menu editing?
In Matrix 18 I've used the Estuary mod in KODI19 (Matrix) but this is no longer supported in 19.
Can someone recommend a skin for Matrix?
My only requirements are that the main menu will be editable and that it will be light.  (I have different movie libraries for me and the kids)
Xonfluence: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3030363

Since a few months bsoriano has taken over development of the Skin so it is Matrix compatiable and has already had a lot of fixes and improvements.

Hope that helps Smile
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Thanks! I should have mentioned that i'm also looking for a vertical menu. Xonfluence takes me too far back.
I wish Estuary had some kind of mod for matrix that will let you change the menu items but I couldn't find something similar.
There is a version of the Estuary mod for Matrix in the Kodinerds repo.

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Light weight with Main Menu editing?0