LCDProc: no driver for Kodi 19 Activy Media Center 570 VFD
Who can build a driver for the Activy Media Center 570 VFD Display for Kodi 19? With the instructions I have built a driver for kodi 18:

tar xvf lcdproc-0.5.2-henlar-v0.2.tar.gz cd lcdprov-0.5.2/ ./configure --enable-drivers=dm140 make sudo make install edit /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf
in dm140.c we find following piece of code
p->pszVendor = "040b"; p->pszProduct = "7001";
But this device on the AMC 570 has
p->pszVendor = "1509"; p->pszProduct = "925d";

3. in led.c we can see:
int Compare(const char *pszValue, short sValue) { int iValue; // convert the pszValue to a number sscanf( pszValue, "%4x", &iValue); return( iValue == sValue ); }
hier must be
int Compare(const char *pszValue, short sValue) { int iValue; // convert the pszValue to a number sscanf( pszValue, "%4x", &iValue); return( (short) iValue == sValue ); }
now the method works fine for Kodi 18 (libreelec 9 Kernel 4.x). But the no longer works unter Kodi 19(libreelec 10 Kernel 5.x).

Please Help

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LCDProc: no driver for Kodi 19 Activy Media Center 570 VFD0