Square Background Sections? Including in the FixedList? Various List types??
Sup guys, I'm getting involved in a HUGE Project, I'm Super Excited but need help badly, doing all of this from scratch. In essence, I'm trying to recreate the Beach Blue DirecTV Interface from 2007'ish onto Kodi for nostalgia. The layout is very similar to the Estuary skin so I made a duplication of that. There's alot of help I'm going to need but I'm sticking to baby steps.

I included a few images below of what I'm trying to accomplish. You'll notice on the lefthand side, you have this list of buttons. I was able to get the buttons & colors right for highlighted options. Now its just a matter of the other options are just text and I want them to resemble some sort of button. What do y'all think, is there another way of going about this? Because I set this up as a fixedList. Should each entry just instead be a button inside the XML? So in the XML "Control" object with the type "FixedList" should it stay like this?? What other options do I have for Lists? I cant seem to find any documentation on Lists in Kodi.

Idk the approach because each item is listed as <content><item></item></content> do I wrap each item as a button? There is also "Item Layout" and "FocusLayout" but there does not seem to be any documentation explaining how to use these but I made a button inside of "FocusedLayout" to work for me, but I cant seem to find how to do this in "ItemLayout". This is all with the id 9000 btw

Should I just be treating every option as being wrapped in a box instead? This is another thing I was gonna tackle on the right handside where you see all the receiver stats, thats where all the content will display, should I take that approach & make a box that wraps each menu option? Please help  Wink




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Square Background Sections? Including in the FixedList? Various List types??0