v19 airplay broken since 19.1

I'm using Kodi 19.1 on raspberry pi 4 (Libreelec distribution).
Since the upgrade from v19 to v19.1, airplay seem's to be broken.
I have done the same test with Kodi installed on Mac OSX and i have the same result.

When i select kodi as airplay device on my phone, i can see the player starting on kodi. But it closes as soon as it starts.
Airplay was working perfectly on v19.

I try to search airplay problem on v19.1 but i found nothing.
Is there any known issue on v19.1?

Debug log on OSX:

Debug log on RPI4:
Airplay is a proprietary Apple thingy, and for as long as I can remember, Apple has taken the occasional steps to annoy/anger those devs who are reverse-engineering the Airplay functionality. Hence why Airplay will not (fully) work in Kodi from time to time.
Airplay is working on v19 and not in v19.1 with the same version of iOS.
So i was thinking it's more related to a change in kodi rather than a change in airplay or iOS.

Do you know if the devs are aware of this issue?
(2021-08-09, 10:49)grimm95 Wrote: Do you know if the devs are aware of this issue?

You can always search if there is already ticket opened in Kodi's Bug Tracker.
If not, please open a new ticket.
In case you haven't already seen a solution for this elsewhere, what you need to do is

Create yourself an advancedsettings.xml (wiki) file in your userdata (wiki) directory.  Edit the contents to be


Restart Kodi and see if Airplay now works.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Adjusting advancedsettings is only a workaround, because the value not only affects airplay.

Please open an issue at GitHub. Thanks.
(2021-08-24, 12:06)ksooo Wrote: Adjusting advancedsettings is only a workaround, because the value not only affects airplay.

Please open an issue at GitHub. Thanks.
It's already tracked here: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/19795
(2021-08-24, 12:06)ksooo Wrote: Adjusting advancedsettings is only a workaround, because the value not only affects airplay.

Please open an issue at GitHub. Thanks.
(2021-08-24, 12:59)enen92 Wrote: It's already tracked here: 19795 (GH issue)

For ref, some discussion on the relevant PR here as this change also affects at least the Spotify addon as well (relevant links in PR comments).
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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airplay broken since 19.10