incorrect display of correct directory name
one of my android tv boxes displays directory name from one of the files within the directory or what seems as a random name
I have my top level directories as A - Z  with tv shows under that.
i.e. S\silent witness\ season 01\ silent witness s01 e01.mp4
This particular tv box displays the \S directory as a file in this case MASH but if I click on it then displays the S directory shows correctly
Its NOT the same for all directories some are correctly displayed.
Then some are not.
Some have the folder icon and others display a tick
Only one of my kodi tv boxes does this the other 3 are displaying directories correctly
The scraper has assumed 'S' is a TV show directory and the nearest match it could find was 'MASH' so you must have got it to scan from the next directory up at one point.

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incorrect display of correct directory name0