mmal buffer error
Hi all, I'm using kodi 18.7 on rpi os buster 32 bit on a raspberry pi4 with 4 gb, with dvbtv hat.
I installed tvheadend as a daemon and the plugin tveheadend HTSP client as PVR client on Kodi.
Yesterday after a couple of hour of tv I got the following error in the log
I had to kill kodi process via ssh.. is there any configuration tweaks to avoid the block?
is mmal framework used in the new release?
I'm wondering if increasing the readfactor and memorysize parameters explained here could smooth the issue..
I'd like also to monitor the actual cache utilization of the process but I'm not sure if possible, should it allocated in a fixed size data structure, monitor VmData/RssAnon/RssShmem of the process would be useless.

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mmal buffer error0