v20 Changing of screen refresh rate stops working on nVidia Shield 2015
Shield 2015. I tend to leave shield (and kodi) running, turn off receiver and screen when I'm done. 
Soon(ish), kodi/shield stops switching to the appropriate refresh rate. (so 23.976 movies are sent to my receiver/tv at 60)

After a fresh shield reboot (not touching the other stuff, it stays on while rebooting) everything works again.

Sounds like shield's hdmi negotiation system stops working, I doubt Kodi stops trying to switch refresh. If I'm reading the 'bad' log below kodi thinks it's switched. 

bad: https://paste.kodi.tv/seremufuha.kodi
after a reboot:
good: https://paste.kodi.tv/sihixugazo.kodi
System: Kodi on NVidia Shield 2015
Video: Panasonic AE3000 Projector / Samsung 46" LCD
Audio: Quad 2912 on Nord DM500Up with Marantz 7010 receiver.

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Changing of screen refresh rate stops working on nVidia Shield 20150