Green flashes while watching
Recently got a new tv, Sony 4K. Never had an issue before this so I figure it has to be related. While watching Plex using my Apple TV, I’m getting sporadic green bars flashing on the screen, it seems like the higher the quality the more flashes I get. Works perfectly fine, no flashes on my firestick in the other room.
How does this relate to Kodi and NextPVR?

(2022-02-04, 14:28)EdwardOkduduMari Wrote: Works perfectly fine, no flashes on my firestick in the other room.

Your first post on this forum, replying to a 3-yr old thread, was kinda useless.
The thread you started here is equally non-informative.

I have to ask as well: where is Kodi in your story? Because we have little patience with trolls on this forum.

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Green flashes while watching0