Channel Id from ListItem ?
Hi Guys
from ListItem it is possible get the channel Id ?
for example with this request in json it is possible get the Name of channel, plot, icon and so on

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"XBMC.GetInfoLabels","params": {"labels":["Container(id).ListitemNoWrap.(id).plot"]}}

but it is not possible the channel id.
There is a json api for obtain the channel id ?
Thanks in advance
Can't anyone help me?
My goal is to get from live tv, channel list screen,
the channel id focused in json or python
I was wondering why you asked for XBMC.GetInfoLabels. If you only want to receive a list of channels you should use PVR.GetChannels. This will also provide channelid as a result.

The command should look like this: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"PVR.GetChannels","params": {"channelgroupid":"alltv","properties": ["channel"]}}
As result you'll get a list of channels with channel, channelid and label.
Ok. Sorry for the unclear question.
I try to explain in detail what I am trying to do
In Live Tv from this screen, I would like to have the channel id of the tv channel that is highlighted.


This would allow me to call the command with channel id in json

{'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'method': 'PVR.GetChannelDetails', 'params': {'channelid': XXXX, 'properties': ['channeltype','channel','broadcastnow',"broadcastnext','uniqueid','icon','channelnumber','clientid']}}

with the Brodcastnow and Brodcastnext I would have all the information and all the posters to edit the right side as I like the screenshot above.
Ok, understood now. I never used this way to read content from the UI. Possibly you can just read the channel name and number and search for a match in the complete channel list (what I posted above). This would allow you to find the channel id for the given name and number.
I tried with channel name (label) and channel number it seems to work

{"id": 1,"jsonrpc": "2.0","method": "PVR.GetChannels","params": {"properties": ["broadcastnext","channelnumber"],"channelgroupid": xxxx}}
(2022-04-10, 08:07)Datalife Wrote: I tried with channel name (label) and channel number it seems to work
Great to hear this works for you now. Smile
Hello, I want to play the specified channel. What JSON should I use
(2022-04-11, 17:17)Buschel Wrote:
(2022-04-10, 08:07)Datalife Wrote: I tried with channel name (label) and channel number it seems to work
Great to hear this works for you now. Smile
Thank you very much

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Channel Id from ListItem ?0