Req Feature Request : Filter TV Shows by Country
Kodi had the ability to create smart playlist in which  Movies are filtered by Country. But I just checked and that option doesn't exist in Tv Shows type.
My Reason for asking is being the weeb I am, I wanna consolidate all Japanese related Anime to a Single Playlist. Currently I maintain it manually in a folder but im also just a human prone to error and laziness
Relying on third party metadata agents like TVDB also sometimes didn't match my expectation. For example, Durarara is tagged as animation but not anime, or Fate : Grand Order as another example haha
Switching to TvMaze might/not help in this case as no agent is that perfect.
But ALL TRUE ANIME MUST HAVE Japan as the origin, rite XD

What do you guys think, is this feasible to implement?
Then again... I think there is no country metadata from tvdb to begin with... Sad is it not possible after all

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Feature Request : Filter TV Shows by Country0