Video source issue with http directory listing

I have being trying to link my KODI setup to external video service.

I have full control on the external service , so i have build a http directory service that get exposed to KODI via video source (using http directory list).

After several bumps on the road,  i managed to get it working.

Only issue i have left is that KODI insists on requesting the files whiling listing the directory.

The directory list is does not contain "real" files of a file system , each request execute code on the server and returns a URL for kodi to play, it plays just file by naming the files with .strm extension.

Each request takes about 0.5 to 2 seconds, so for 5 items it takes KODI about 3-4 seconds to show , my list needs to have about 200-300 items.

My question , is there a way to instruct KODI not to download the files at all while listing the directory ? or by some instruction in the .strm response to instruct kodi not to inspect the supplied URL ?

I hoped there is some difference between "real" play command and "inspection" command , but did not find any in the request headers. (requests seems the same , so i can not ignore "inspection" requests)

I hope this is a correct place to post this question, please advice if its not.

Thanks in advance.

Little update , tried using my "video source" via file manager ,over there KODI does not reuqest each item from the server while listing , so over there it works perfectly.
I have been facing the same using Kodi for long-period of time things turn different since changing the network attach to it.
  • Kodi crashes when it loads
  • Source not found or unreachable file errors
  • Addons won’t delete. 
I am looking forward to watch the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2022 coverage hopeful that any new update will resolve it.


Do not try another attempt to sneak in a URL link to video piracy related streams. It will not go down well.

This is your first and final warning.

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Video source issue with http directory listing0