Solved "Breaking Bad" is breaking Kodi suddenly!

Just been trying to scan "Breaking Bad" into Kodi library using 3 different scrapers, (TMDB, TMDB TV Shows, and  Xem) and each time it causes Kodi to completely fail, and have to fully restart Kodi!. The issue seems to be with this one show because have tried scanning in other shows, and they scanned in just fine.

Anyone experiencing this or encountered it? Any fix?

How about a link to your Debug Log so we can se what’s happening?
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Sorry bout that...

...Also have scanned in "Breaking Bad" to library before with no issues, so this is new.

Your log is not really helpful. You did not let the scan finish or you grabbed the log without exiting Kodi, so you missed most of the scraping process.
But from the tiny bit I see, it seems the show scanned correctly.

Provide another log and describe exactly what the problem is. "each time it causes Kodi to completely fail, and have to fully restart Kodi" is not helpful at all.
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I explained exactly whats happens in my first post. Breaking bad begins scanning, then the scanning causes a windows error that causes Kodi to fail. The logging scan cant complete because Kodi completely fails. The issue is with the show because like I said others shows are still scanning fine.
(2022-07-09, 04:48)MrGonzo Wrote: I explained exactly whats happens
Well that is debatable.
There is nothing I can see in the log that points to any problem.
Nor can I conceive of any situation where a particular tv show would cause Windows to crash/hang/whatever.

I note you are using v18.9. Upgrade to v19.4 or install a Portable version of v19.4 and try scanning again. Apart from that bit of advice (what I expect you would call useless) there is nothing else I can suggest or investigate.
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Cant do that yet.

I use a skin that the new Kodi is not compatible with. And most of the skins with the new versions on Kodi that Ive seen suck! I use the Aeon Madnox. (Complete version) still the fullest skin with the most customizable options I have seen. The newer version of my skin has been stripped down to nothing (like most new skins) so until I find a new complete version of "Madnox" or I skin with as much custom options, I wont upgrade.

Makes absolutely no sense, Kodi fails scanning this ONE show, but will scan everything else?? WTF??
(2022-07-09, 06:39)MrGonzo Wrote: Cant do that yet.
Sure you can. Scraping your media source with an alternate/portable Kodi installation, it'll be clear where the problem is.

(2022-07-09, 06:39)MrGonzo Wrote: Makes absolutely no sense, Kodi fails scanning this ONE show, but will scan everything else?? WTF??
Skins have nothing to with the scanning process, they only provide the details what is given to them to show on screen. Scanning a library is mostly an underwater process. So do not go 'WTF??' on us. Keep your tone normal and provide the information necessary if you still want customer-friendly replies from us.
Sorry but this is just frustrating because the scraper works on a bunch of other shows that have scanned in just fine. So why Kodi is getting a windows error that causes Kodi to fail ONLY when I try to scan in "Breaking Bad" is baffling!

The new versions on Kodi are really crappy with skins stripped down to almost nothing in the way of interface customizations. Thats why "Aeon Madnox" has always been the best skin/interface because it allows for a TON of custom interface options. This reason is the main reason I stick with a version of Kodi that can support my skin.

But this scanning issue with this one show is a mystery. Maybe I'll just re-install everything, see if it gets fixed that way.

Theres no point me sending you another log because u said the logging quits right in the middle because that is Kodi completely failing trying to scan this show. So I cant send you a complete log for this issue.
(2022-07-09, 20:42)MrGonzo Wrote: So why Kodi is getting a windows error that causes Kodi to fail ONLY when I try to scan in "Breaking Bad" is baffling!
Possibly one of your Breaking Bad videos got corrupted over time. Kodi's video engine ffmpeg normally analyzes files for resolution, video and audio streams, etcetera. Perhaps something went wrong there. Move all but one episodes out of the way, and try with a single episode in the Breaking Bad folder.

(2022-07-09, 20:42)MrGonzo Wrote: The new versions on Kodi are really crappy with skins stripped down to almost nothing in the way of interface customizations.
Kodi needs a simple default skin that "always" works. Adding tons of features to a default skin that not everyone uses makes it that more difficult and time-consuming for us to test. If others want to put all bells and whistles on their skin, fine. That shouldn't affect media scraping, but it can happen.

(2022-07-09, 20:42)MrGonzo Wrote: Thats why "Aeon Madnox" has always been the best skin/interface because it allows for a TON of custom interface options.
It's not uncommon for 'fully loaded' skins to affect normal Kodi operations. The more background processes are running, the trickier performing the standard operations gets.

(2022-07-09, 20:42)MrGonzo Wrote: Maybe I'll just re-install everything, see if it gets fixed that way.
As already said, try a separate portable installation.
Or rename your current kodi profile folder in the Roaming section, and restart Kodi with clean/new settings.
In any case, do not install any add-ons just yet. That means also no Aeon skin.
Try scraping your TV source folder with a basic Kodi setup. It's the best way to find out scraping problems without any background interference from 3rd party skins and add-ons.
Check permissions for M:\_VidsII\_TelevisionII\Breaking Bad and check folder structure is using Season 1, Season 2, etc. folders for episodes.

I'm using Windows 11, Kodi v20, Aeon Nox Silvo.  There is no problem with Kodi, O/S, or skin.

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Ok so dont expect me to explain why this worked....but I just for the hell of it decided to move the "breaking bad" folder to a different location on the drive...and when it went to scan in the show the windows error didnt happen, and Kodi didn't fail, so the scan completed successfully! NEVER expected a simple move of the folder would fix it! Totally funny! lol

brazen1.....Aeon Nox Silvo is a nice skin, a runoff to Madnox, but I'm sure it doesnt/wont have ALL the different interface choices that the "Madnox" version gives (like 12-15 approx). I havent seen a new skin yet worthy of the FULL "Madnox" skin, that would make me upgrade.

All good guys...thanks.
Thread marked solved.
Anyone have any idea why simply moving the shows folder to a different location on the drive stopped the windows error, which allowed the scrapper to scan and finish right? Surprised me!
Different inherited file/user rights to a folder, is my guess. Although crashing out as an application isn't the best outcome when accessing a protected folder obviously.

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"Breaking Bad" is breaking Kodi suddenly!0