JSON call to items in Videolibrary
Hi all,

I've got basic JSON calls working and get player state, etc. I'm now trying to retrieve items from the VideoLibrary.

Specifically I want to find items that have been marked as played. Previously I used to do this direct in MySQL storage engine, so I could query table "MyVideos119" (or whatever number) and the "files" table asking for anything with a greater than 0 playCount.
I'm trying to replicate this with JSON calls but strugging.

First question, should I be using api to VideoLibrary or Files?

I think using Files is what I need. By querying the Files.GetDirectory I get the files in that particular library/location:

/usr/bin/curl -v --user test:test --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Files.GetDirectory","params":{"directory": "/RecordedTV/"}}' http://192.168.XX.1:8080/jsonrpc

As that returns:

But I'm missing how that then links up with the playcount and how to retrieve it, can anyone offer any pointers to where I can fetch that part?

Andy - http://twitter.com/andyb2000 http://www.thebmwz3.co.uk/
HTS Tvheadend development (via http://github.com/andyb2000) On Ubuntu with ST STV0299 DVB-S2, Conexant CX24116/CX24118, Philips TDA10046H DVB-T (Freesat and Freeview in the UK)

XBMC via OpenElec on Dell XPS210

you can ask for the playcount in your JSON command like this:

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Files.GetDirectory","params":{"directory": "/RecordedTV/", "properties":["playcount"]}}

Then you should receive the playcount as part of the result for each item.
That's great, thank you for the help, one slight tweak for anyone coming here looking for similar, I needed to also specify the media type to allow the "properties" to be honoured.

Quote:/usr/bin/curl -v --user test:test --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Files.GetDirectory","params":{"directory": "/RecordedTV/", "media": "video", "properties": ["playcount","lastplayed","file"]}}' http://192.168.X.1:8080/jsonrpc
Which then returns (one example):
Quote:{"file":"/RecordedTV/Channel-4-HD-New_-Food-Unwrapped's-Sweet-Treat-2022-06-20-.ts","filetype":"file","label":"Channel-4-HD-New_-Food-Unwrapped's-Sweet-Treat-2022-06-20-.ts","lastplayed":"2022-07-22 20:00:16","playcount":1,"type":"unknown"}
Which is perfect for what I want.

Thank you Smile
Andy - http://twitter.com/andyb2000 http://www.thebmwz3.co.uk/
HTS Tvheadend development (via http://github.com/andyb2000) On Ubuntu with ST STV0299 DVB-S2, Conexant CX24116/CX24118, Philips TDA10046H DVB-T (Freesat and Freeview in the UK)

XBMC via OpenElec on Dell XPS210

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JSON call to items in Videolibrary0