Different movie counts between TinyMediaManager and Kodi

Kodi and TMM are indicating different movie counts on the same library, with a difference of a few hundreds (more movies in the library according to TMM than Kodi).
The thing is that I did not notice any movies displayed in TMM that are missed in Kodi.

Could there be some logic for that? e.g. a movie in 2 parts or more would be counted as 2 or more movies in TMM and as one in Kodi (I don't have so many movies chopped in different parts, so that wouldn't explain it all for me though...)
Is there a simple way for me to identify which movies displayed in TMM are not identified by Kodi?

ok, maybe things are not as terrible as i first thought. It seems there are 2 different counts in Kodi, i don't understand what the difference is though:
In kodi (i am running Librelec with Estuary Mod v2, if that matters), when i go to the screen where version info, system info, hardware info and library info are displayed, i see at the very bottom a number of movies which is almost in line with what i see in TMM. But when i go to the movie section and activate the left side panel, the movie count is much lower than the number displayed on the info screen in Kodi. How can this be? thanks

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Different movie counts between TinyMediaManager and Kodi0