Solved [rpi] [nexus] controller + libretro

sorry for the noob question, I am setting up kodi on my raspberrypi running archlinuxarm but I stumbled upon a couple of issues:

  1. Logitech F710 controller

    i cannot get the logitech gamepads to be detected by kodi
    the system detects them, but when i try to set the game controller for kodi no button is detected.

    in /usr/share/kodi/addons i see a game.controller.default (version 1.0.35)

    this is ls -la /dev/input/by-id/:

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 Dec 22 02:37 usb-Logitech_Wireless_Gamepad_F710_C57692EE-event-joystick -> ../event7
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   6 Dec 22 02:37 usb-Logitech_Wireless_Gamepad_F710_C57692EE-joystick -> ../js1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 Dec 22 02:37 usb-Logitech_Wireless_Gamepad_F710_F2B896E8-event-joystick -> ../event6
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   6 Dec 22 02:37 usb-Logitech_Wireless_Gamepad_F710_F2B896E8-joystick -> ../js0

    if i run evtest
    No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event*
    Not running as root, no devices may be available.
    Available devices:
    /dev/input/event0:   SONiX OMOTON MK201 Gaming Keyboard
    /dev/input/event1:   SONiX OMOTON MK201 Gaming Keyboard
    /dev/input/event2:   SONiX OMOTON MK201 Gaming Keyboard
    /dev/input/event3:   SONiX OMOTON MK201 Gaming Keyboard Mouse
    /dev/input/event4:   vc4
    /dev/input/event5:   vc4
    /dev/input/event6:   Logitech Gamepad F710
    /dev/input/event7:   Logitech Gamepad F710

    When i was running raspberrypi OS, i believe I had to install kodi-peripheral-joystick, but this was on Matrix and now I am on Nexus and i believe the input system has been updated... plus I cannot find any similar package in the sources

    Does anyone know if i need to compile anything on my own to get the controller to be recognised or if maybe there is something wrong with my Kodi or System settings?

  2. libretro compatibility + cores

    on libreelec i used to get the cores from
    this repository fails to be added with:
    2023-01-10 15:02:33.793 T:695 error <general>: Repository add-on repository.kodi_libretro_buildbot_game_addons uses old schema definition for the repository extension po>
    2023-01-10 15:02:33.793 T:695 error <general>: Repository add-on repository.kodi_libretro_buildbot_game_addons does not have any directory and won't be able to update/se>

    in the repo i see a lot of libretro-* packages but i am not sure if these are needed and I would not know how to get the Libretro Compatability addon (game.libretro)

any suggestion would be appreciated
especially some guidance if I have to compile any addon myself, i have never compiled anything major...

thanks in advance


I am running:

pacman -Qs kodi
local/kodi-rpi-git 20.x.61830.f7d0f8956e-1
    Media player and entertainment hub with hw accel for RPi 3/4/400, gbm_nexus fork
local/kodi-rpi-git-eventclients 20.x.61830.f7d0f8956e-1
    Kodi Event Clients


pacman -Qs linux-rpi
local/linux-rpi 6.1.4-1
    RPi Foundation patched Linux kernel and modules
local/linux-rpi-headers 6.1.4-1
    RPi Foundation header and scripts for building modules for Linux kernel

in case it could be of any help, i solved the issue by compiling the controller and the libretro addon

my draft PKGBUILD are here : post on archlinuxarm forum
Indeed, you'll need the peripheral.joystick and game.libretro add-ons, as well as libretro cores themselves, for games to be playable.

Good job figuring out how to build from source! I'm sure the users on the arch linux forum will be pleased.
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[rpi] [nexus] controller + libretro0