Contribution guidelines discussion thread
Continuation of a discussion started in the contribution guideline rewrite
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The guidelines are probably comprehensive and correct, but I can't be sure, because I didn't read them all. :-)

What I was suggesting on the review thread is that it would be better to draw in new contributors with clear steps, as you do in the Kodi build guide.

I suggest you make a short list of use cases for submitting PRs and then provide steps with guard rails for them.

Example use cases:
Case 0: Has found and fixed a bug in a checkout Kodi main branch, not a fork (i.e. not a PR per se)
Case 1: Built a fork, has a one/two file change
Case 2: Fork with many files changed.
Case ...

Then inject the steps that are necessary for each use case.  There should be fewer steps for lighter use cases.
> Then inject the steps that are necessary for each use case.  There should be fewer steps for lighter use cases.

i agree that add detailed guide is useful for many new entries or novice users that dont know git shell commands,
but take in account that is a generic fast guideline and must not be weighed down with too details

if we need to give examples of how to use git functionality to perform certain operations,
imo it is better to create a separate file for tutorials, or maybe also better, add a Wiki PR tutorial section so can be easily maintained by everyone
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Contribution guidelines discussion thread0