Linux Is there a way to add Wine Games to Kodi?
Some Games in my collection are from Windows 95/98/xp - I digitalized all my old Games to Wine - they may work on a Raspberry??

But on the other hand, If there is a nice solution to play Wine Games on Kodi I may replace the Raspberry with a x86 device.

But I was not able to find any solution at moment. Currently, I run my games - non are from steam - on Lutris.
Sorry, this feature doesn't exist yet. Wine capture is an interesting idea though.
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Microsoft Windows 95, Windows98, and Windows ME are all built on top of MS-DOS so a potential workaround could be to run Windows 95/98/ME under DOSBox as that in essence is a DOS emulator (e.g. MS-DOS).

There are several different forks of DOSBox cores for libretro API and I believe that you would probably have the best luck with trying to run Microsoft Windows 98 on DOSBox Pure:

Regardless note that you will probably need a modern x86 computer with an Intel x86-64 or AMD x86-64 CPU that has very high GHz/MHz per core with fast single-thread performance since it will probably not run multi-threaded.

If you search on google then you will at least find some examples of ways to install Windows 95/98/ME under various forks and versions of DOSBox:

PS: This idea will not work for Microsoft Windows XP since that was built on Microsoft's Windows NT kernel (same as Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000).
An alternative could be to port "PCem" and/or "86Box" (fork of PCem) as a new libretro core(s) for Kodi's Game API and RetroPlayer?

"PCem" and "86Box" are true low-level x86 PC emulators so they could not only run Windows 95/98/ME but also Windows XP:
I think about a similar behavior like people speak about Steam Deck.
I hope for the posibility to install and setup an addon for wine. I would like it If I could copy the Lutris folder to kodi and have their links in kodi.

It yould be way easy if I could setup Games on desktop instead on kodi.
Have you looked at AKL? It wouldn't directly launch the game in Kodi, but it could launch the game with your external wine environment.
Sounds interesting. On the first glance it seems there are some programming skills needed. I have to check the difficulty. Bash works good but I never worked with python.
I don't see that I'm able to modify that way I could use it with WINE.

As far I could see I have somehow to start an exe in wine. For that I could either use Lutris
env LUTRIS_SKIP_INIT=1 lutris lutris:rungameid/6
... or check the set up YML files in ~/.config/lutris/games
and the wine settings in /.config/lutris
The easyest solution would be If I could simply setup a kind of .desktop file which I could Put into a specific directory and get them accessible in Kodi.

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Is there a way to add Wine Games to Kodi?0