Metadata on stand-alone videos (.strm files)
Hi, i'm trying to add metadata (thumbnails and name) to videos that are neither movies or TV series but just random videos.

In the wiki, it's explained that the valid root XML tags are :
Quote:<movie></movie>, <tvshow></tvshow>, <episodedetails></episodedetails>, <artist></artist>, <album></album> and <musicvideo></musicvideo>
But my files are neither of these: they're .strm files that stream artist's livestreams from Picarto.
The wiki state that you can use NFO files to add info to STRM files, but without further explantation. 
I tried to install the Metadata Editor add-on, but same problem, it can only edit movies or series.
I also tried to use the #EXTINF data in the .strm files but it doens't work. the #KODIPROP data seems to be only for playback and decoding.

How can I add metadata to sand-alone videos? Does Kodi even support it?
This would be very great for me to have this working, because since the thumbnails are dynamically updated it will allow me to see who's currently streaming and what they're doing

Notes :
- I'm using LibreELEC 12.0 (nightly 2023 03 06) / Kodi 21.0-Alpha1 (20.90.101)
- The folder containing my STRM is added as a source in the video library, as a "none" directory type


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Metadata on stand-alone videos (.strm files)0