Multiple instances of Kodi runnin under different profiles with SQL
Hey all, so in a nutshell, i'm trying to figure out how to run multiple instances of kodi on a single linux pc.

To expand, I have addons that I want to be periodically updating that are dependent on the profile that is logged in and I have multiple profiles. So I want to have an instance where user A is logged in and the addons update hourly and report to the SQL DB, another instance where user B is logged in and the same addons update hourly for user B's library and report to the SQL DB, and so on.

I just tried putting 3 instances of headless kodi in docker containers. The image said it is for nexus but the logs look like they are attempting to connect to the DB with an older naming convention which makes me think that part wasn't updated to Nexus. I don't want to risk it tearing up the DB.

I thought about portable kodi but I think that only works for windows.  

I don't care if it's headless or a full install running 3 separate instances. The only thing I would like to avoid is spinning up multiple VMs to accomplish this.  

Anyone have any thoughts on how I can do this?  Thanks.
you can tell kodi where it's home folder is with the environment variable KODI_DATA

#!/usr/bin/env bash
export KODI_DATA=/home/<username>/kodi1


#!/usr/bin/env bash
export KODI_DATA=/home/<username>/kodi2
That would just let me specify the home folder for a single instance thought right?  How would I do that for multiple profiles?
your normal kodi installation (on linux) puts everything per user in ~/.kodi (/home/<user>/.kodi)

with that it overrides that path, so you can have a bash script (example above) that loads kodi from different locations

so you can customize for /home/<user>/kodi1 then close it and do it again for kodi2, then everything is separate - addons, database, settings
(2023-07-10, 16:02)nolos Wrote: i'm trying to figure out how to run multiple instances of kodi on a single linux pc.

Simultaneously or one at a time?

Using profiles, you'll need to install/update add-ons per profile. Profiles cannot share add-ons, as each profile has its own root folder.

You can have multiple profiles share the same video/music databases, or use separate databases by including database names in the advancedsettings.xml file.

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Multiple instances of Kodi runnin under different profiles with SQL0