star-rating in Live TV differently displayed compared to Movie/Series
I grab EGP data using Webgrab+ and push it to the tvheadend server.
My EPG.xml also contains a rating from IMDb and looks like this:

In tvheadend and Kodi + HTS client, it is displayed as:
Rating(/Bewertung): 71

i.e. the title "cash truck"
displays in pvr info screen with:
Rating(/Bewertung): 71 (coming from epg/imdb)
pvr info screen

the same title in movie info screen shows:
Rating(/Bewertung): 7.7 (coming from scraper addon, i guess)
movie info screen

Is there a way to to display the start-ratings on Live TV in decimal format as well, as is the case everywhere else in Kodi?
If not, will it be aligned in the future?
Does it then make sense to open a ticket with the developers?
The API defines it as integer, maybe it is normalized out of 100 which would be the same thing.


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star-rating in Live TV differently displayed compared to Movie/Series0