SQL Database for v20 readable for v17?
Hi, i got two HTPC running Kodi 17.7 DSPlayer x64 (2020 build) with a MySQL Database and got a NVIDIA Shield with the newest Kodi 20 Build i want to add. Would it be possible to upgrade the SQL Database to Version 20 and let the 17.7 Kodi Versions read from it or do i need to use something like Emby or Jellyfin to get this Versions to work together?
(2023-08-06, 11:46)Tiraga Wrote: Hi, i got two HTPC running Kodi 17.7 DSPlayer x64 (2020 build) with a MySQL Database and got a NVIDIA Shield with the newest Kodi 20 Build i want to add. Would it be possible to upgrade the SQL Database to Version 20 and let the 17.7 Kodi Versions read from it or do i need to use something like Emby or Jellyfin to get this Versions to work together?

Mezzmo and the Mezzmo Kodi addon fully support running different versions of Kodi at the same time with 100% feature parity and information sharing across Kodi / non-Kodi devices, along with seamless upgrades / downgrades.  I have 4 different versions of Kodi running with Mezzmo right now.  From my understanding of MySQL you can run different versions at the same time but they can't share data since the database names are different.  In my setup, the Mezzmo Kodi addon handles any differences between database names, versions and schemas. I can't speak for Emby or Jellyfin. 

Note that version is the last official version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon to support Kodi 17 but I can easily make you a version of the latest code with Kodi 17 support.  It's 2 lines of code to add back.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
When db versions change it means the schemas for the tables/columns have changed so queries to a "wrong" version will probably fail even if you just rename the database.

scott s.
Sorry for the late answer I can't login to my account with firefox anymore and have no idea, I needed to install another browser to get in.

Thanks for the tip I'll take a look at it.

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SQL Database for v20 readable for v17?0