how to send arguments to XBMC Addons Installer from another Plugin?
Atlantis Beta 1 for Windows XP sp3:
I'm trying to launch the XBMC-Addons Installer with an argument to install a certain plugin or script as a kind of auto-updater for my plugins.

I don't know if that was clear, but what I have is when a plugin e.g. TED Talks is launched, it checks svn for a newer version of TED Talks and if there is, it runs XBMC-Addons Installer & asks it to install the SVN version.

Unfortunately I can't get it to run at all! Nevermind sending arguments...

I CAN at least get the Addons Installer to run if I use XBMC.ActivateWindow(), but I don't seem to be able to send arguments to it like that.

my sample code is (from a plugin named 'Run Another'):
import xbmc
xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.RunPlugin(plugins://programs/XBMC-Addons Installer)')

the log that comes from that:

Any Ideas Huh
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how to send arguments to XBMC Addons Installer from another Plugin?0