v20 How can I rename scraped movies
Example, I have the same movie 3 times: Star Wars, Star Wars 3D and Star Wars Remastered.
It's a pain to see all 3 identically after they have been scraped. How can I rename the 3D and Remastered versions with their appropriate suffixes after they have been scraped? I have seen other posts mentioning a "Manage" option in the menu, but I have never ever been able to find this menu option??
It is in the context menu.

Scroll to the movie in your library and call up the context menu and select Manage then rename title.

You might want to check out the new version feature in v21 nightly
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I see no 'Manage' option in the context menu.
You need to be in Library mode and not Files.

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How can I rename scraped movies0