Solved After Clean WIndows Install KODI freezes for a few seconds with most mouse clicks.
After doing a Clean Windows Installation I was having some issues with KODI. Eventually I did a completely new Install by erasing the old KODI Data folder.

Installed KODI and turned on logging due to most of the time I click on the mouse to do something in KODI it freezes for a few seconds, like it is busy doing something, before doing the action when I clicked on.

Uploaded KODI Logs. Need to know if this is a Windows issue of Kodi issue. By the way, NPVR is working normally without issue. Have the latest KODI stable version installed NEXUS 20.2

The debug flag wasn't turned on, consequently there isn't enough information in that log and no errors given. Try again with the flag in advancedsettings.xml Log file/Advanced (wiki)

I did notice this: Confluence is likely out of date > load skin from: C:\Users\elsta\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.confluence\ (version: 4.7.13)

Perhaps a simpler method would be to just install a plain/jane Kodi no extras. Ensure it's operation, then start carefully loading in the customization's until failure.
Sorry for the late reply, Didn't know someone replied to my thread.

The skin I am using is a very good one that I really like. I didn't have any issues with it in the past.

But besides that thanks for your reply.

The problem seems to be clearing up now. Kodi would freeze for less than a minute whenever I clicked on anything to do with NPVR TV. Seems like after reinstalling NPVR a second time seems to have helped the issue. I am not having freezing issues anymore.

Possibly a corrupt installation of NPVR or KODI, which I also reinstalled again, seemed to have fixed the issue.

You guys can close this thread. I will check to see if there is an updated version for the skin I am using which I installed from Kodi Repository. I noticed that my subscription was disabled for this thread which why I didn't get any emails about any replies.
Thread marked solved.

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After Clean WIndows Install KODI freezes for a few seconds with most mouse clicks.0