[WINDOWS] Direct playback of AVISynth scripts (.avs)
On Windows, XBMC should (in theory) be able to play back .avs (avisynth) files directly, but does not list them in the menu.

I like to use ffdshow-tryouts to apply various post-decoding effects before having XMBC take over. Currently I'm doing this by using TVersity (DLNA server) and transcoding to MPEG-1, which is then run by XBMC. This incurs the overhead of the transcoding, whereas if avisynth scripts could be played directly this overhead could be avoided.

I'm downloading the code right now to see if it would be a simple change to put this in on Windows.

should allow you to see avs files atleast, I don't know if they'll play or anything though.
Ha - should have known there was a way to do that. I'd already recompiled XBMC, adding .avs to the list.

I can see the .avs files, but they don't play - presumably because ffmpeg needs to be compiled with (experimental) avisynth support, and that can apparently only be done on MinGW (according to the ffmpeg docs).

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[WINDOWS] Direct playback of AVISynth scripts (.avs)0