In Kodi, which I installed on a Philips 65OLED907 TV, the gui resolution cannot be changed and the only option is 1080P, and the refresh rate is 60 Hz, which is also single and cannot be changed.
Specifically, how do I increase the resolution to 4K, which is the TV's native resolution?
Google TV Android version 11
Kodi Omega 21
GUI have no need for higher resolution, whitelist the resolutions your tv supports.
1920 x 1080p–24 Hz, 25 Hz, 30 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz,100 Hz,120 Hz.
2560 x 1440–60 Hz, 120 Hz
3840 x 2160p–24 Hz, 25 Hz, 30 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz,100 Hz,120 Hz.
The TV supports 4K 120 Hz. I think a higher gui resolution would make both the main screen and the movie posters look clearer...
4k gui resolutions on GoogleTV are only supported from v12.
When I connect a media player, for example a Xiaomi 4K box, to the same TV, I can set the gui resolution to 4K on it. Same on TV. And the home screen and posters look much clearer.
Really ?  crap...
Mi box 4k has android 11 and supports 4k gui on Kodi
Yes really, many premium devices do.., like for example Firestick 4K on Android 7.1 and also has 4k GUI  Smile
Perhaps the Xiaomi doesn't run a TV version of Android, 4k was only introduced on TV versions in v12 see https://9to5google.com/2021/07/14/androi...ui-beta-3/
all this noise about the gui resolution

fact is, that really doesn't matter because the skins scale to 1080p any way (except i think 1 custom skin) - https://github.com/phil65/skin.estuary/b...on.xml#L11

if you want higher quality artwork changing the gui resolution won't fix that, adjust the resolution for artwork in advanced settings https://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings....ry_artwork
otherwise it's still going to scale the same crappy low quality image and be even worse at 4K

the gui resolution switching is imposed by the Android OS and cannot be overridden by kodi, whatever version that may be
Sorry to resurrect this old post.

Two things to note here. I noticed that for some reason the Nvidia shield (also running Android 11 and having many apps that indeed are limited to 1080p GUI's) for some reason runs 3840x2160 in Kodi. The other part is that the difference is certainly visible mostly on fonts being rendered much sharper. I don't know if it's anything to do with the fact that perhaps Kodi on the shield runs a 64 bit version or perhaps some specific code that was written for the shield but this sort of flies in the face of all common knowledge stating that 4k UI's are impossible on Android builds older then Android 12. Just curious if anyone knows why this is possible on the Shield on Android 11 and not on many other Android 11 boxes (as finding Android TV boxes with higher Android TV firmware unfortunately is still quite rare, also not sure why that is the case)
Lots of the android boxes run android, not android tv.
(2024-04-02, 19:23)banggun Wrote: Sorry to resurrect this old post.

Two things to note here. I noticed that for some reason the Nvidia shield (also running Android 11 and having many apps that indeed are limited to 1080p GUI's) for some reason runs 3840x2160 in Kodi. The other part is that the difference is certainly visible mostly on fonts being rendered much sharper. I don't know if it's anything to do with the fact that perhaps Kodi on the shield runs a 64 bit version or perhaps some specific code that was written for the shield but this sort of flies in the face of all common knowledge stating that 4k UI's are impossible on Android builds older then Android 12. Just curious if anyone knows why this is possible on the Shield on Android 11 and not on many other Android 11 boxes (as finding Android TV boxes with higher Android TV firmware unfortunately is still quite rare, also not sure why that is the case)

FYI, on Firestick 4K (much older Android 7.1.2) GUI is also rendered in 3840x2160, although it runs 32 Kodi versions. It all depends on the manufacturer and their developers.
Right so in short we've seen Android (TV) versions lower then version 12 being able to pull off 4k resolutions despite contradictory statements of it only being supported as of Android 12. It just makes me curious how those versions seem to pull it off or how it's bypassing I suppose what are in essence still software limitations set somewhere in the OS? Finally where and how to find a box that is known to support these resolutions for 4K GUI rendering... Also would Kodi be guaranteed to support 4k resolution on Android 12 or higher (assuming hardware is capable)?
Short answer: Modified OS's.
Thanks. That explains a bit but is it guaranteed that Kodi will run 4K on Android 12? I know I'm in a minority here who even cares about 4K GUI rendering. However given the rather limited information on the topic I honestly wouldn't be too surprised when running into similar issues on Android 12. Honestly it's a bit infuriating that these type of limitations come from the OS and not the hardware. You'd really need know a lot about the OS running it and often there's no such documentation so it almost seems a gamble. And it's not like the available hardware running Android 12 are from big name brands (Google TV excluded).

I'm also a bit baffled why so many media players that tout 4K support often still run operating systems that have software limitations for rendering GUI's only up to 1080P I mean it's not 4K is a brand new thing...

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