Solved Movie Sets View Type Behaviour Changed?

I'm using Confluence in Nexus (20.3) and I noticed previously when you set a certain 'view' type within a movie set - for instance 'Poster Wrap' or 'Fanart' - it automatically applied to drilling into all movie sets.

Lately - possibly after update to 20.3 - I see this seems to be configured at an individual movie set level. Say I change it to 'Fanart' in movie set A, then I go into another movie set B and here it defaults back to 'List'. When I change that it remembers the change for this set too. But every time I go into another one its back to 'List'.

Am I seeing things or was there a change wrt this behaviour? Any way I can apply a certain view type to all movie sets?

Thx r
seems to have been just a 'glitch'. rescanned library and now its back to normal. weird.
Thread marked solved.

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