Using user-defined plugin information in another addon?
Hi, I've got an addon that queries the Kodi library for various fanarts to create a bunch of globally available background slide shows.

I've had some requests to enable people to use custom plugin sources for background artwork e.g. tmdbhelper lists.

I can do this on a local basis by using skin.shortcuts in my skinsettings to let someone choose a custom path within their own video add-ons, then pass this to a skin string that is used as the content path for a container. 

But ideally I want this to be persistent across windows. Is there a way to somehow parse the data from a plugin source, i.e. a list of fanarts, say, from a tmdb helper list, into my own addon?
The other way I can think of to do this, which is a bit messy, is to have a local container on all windows where I need the global fanart to be available. And then I use my addon to poll this for a new fanart path every x seconds. And then pass that value to a window prop. It's a bit roundabout but would, I think in theory, allow for some persistence of backgrounds during window changes.

Or alternatively, to have a container with the relevant source on the home screen and then to try and capture a bunch of listitem fanarts at once from my addon then nrecycle through these until next time the home screen is visited...

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Using user-defined plugin information in another addon?0