Solved Kodi 21 does not run
I installed it, and it says it can't run.  dll files are missing.  This has never happened before.  I want version 20.  How do I find it and download it?

Edit:  I found and reinstalled 20, but it still says dll files are missing:





What directory should these files be in?  Why did installing 21 cause them to go missing?   Why did version 20 run fine just a while ago, but not after I installed version 21?

Edit:  I downloaded and installed the C++ package from Microsoft.  21 Runs now.  I still don't know why it didn't properly install the C++ package.
Might be windows protection/permission, did you install as admin?

Thread marked solved.
I didn't run as admin.  I never had to do so with previous Kodi versions.  I'm glad I found a solution.
The windows desktop installer for Kodi includes a copy of the vc runtime installer from Microsoft.  By default it runs when you install Kodi but there is an option in the installer to disable it (checkmark).  But I think the installer is set to not echo a lot of the status info the vc runtine puts out during its install.  So it could be the runtime isn't installing correctly.  It's always an option to get the vc runtime directly from MS and install it.  Most up to date Windows 10/11 should already have it installed, so the vc runtime in Kodi installer just checks, finds it, and exits.

scott s.

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Kodi 21 does not run0