v21 Can't turn off On Next/Coming Up
Hi, long time user of Kodi & PseudoTV. With the latest version, v21 Omega, and PseudoTV 0.4.9i, I cannot get the "up next/Coming up/On Next" notification to turn off. I have a lot of animation which are between 6 and 8 minutes each and sometimes I get this notification about half way through the video and then again toward the end of the video. I've gone into the settings and under "Enable Overlay", it is turned on, but "Show On Next" is turned off, yet I still get it. If this is a bug, I'd surely love an update to the next release, so it doesn't fail to turn off when I ask it to do so.  Smile

Thanks for your continued hard work on PseudoTV, I love the app!
Fixed in the next update, and added logic to not display coming up next on short videos under 15mins.
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
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Thank you! 15 minutes would seem appropriate (for such things as Looney Tunes and Mickey Mouse videos). Looking forward to it!

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