Working Linux Hardware Configs?
Sorry for the obvious noob question guys, but I haven't been able to locate this info and I would have figured it would be a sticky, but it's not.

Is there a posting of what hardware everyone is using out there and reviews on what works and what doesn't work? I've currently got XBMC running on a Xbox and would really like to build a linux box in order to be able to play the higher bitrate Xvid/Divx/H.264 files that I've been encountering lately, but I'm baffled about:

1) What's the minimum processor and speed needed to run successfully?
2) What's a good graphics card to use that has the appropriate drivers? Or is mobo on-board video sufficient for most 720p applications? I'm currently using component out with my Xbox. What graphics cards can be used for HDMI or component output?
3) What's the best remote to use with the system? Types of remotes, pros, cons, instructions on drivers/system integration would be helpful.
I have an Intel 1.8ghz dual-core cpu, 2gb 800mhz ddr2 memory, asus p5kpl-vm motherboard (it has intel gfx onboard, and it works just fine) but i use a nvidia 7600gs, i also have a microsoft mce remote. Everything works almost out-of-the-box. I install Hardy, and afterwards I just run envy for the gfx, and i install lirc for the remote. After that its just to install and run xbmc, and everything has been working smooth and steady so far. I play 720p movies with 20-50% cpu. I don't have any 1080p movies to try with. When I tried windows on my hardware I could also run 1080p flawless, but then I did run CoreAVC-codec to decode HD-content.

My setup is very cheap to buy and build. Very stable and quiet.
Also, the Microsoft MCE Remote is very nice to hold in you hand, it looks good, and I believe it is the most used remote, so it kind of works with everything. In both Linux and Windows.
There are a ton of hardware threads is this forum. Granted they aren't sticky, but searching for hardware works well.

Here's a couple.
return null;
Cool, thanks guys! Hey ButchJr, what kind of output are you using to your TV?
See my sig. Cheap and cheerful, but runs as smooth as silk with XBMC.

Acer Revo 1600 | SpeedLink SL-6399 | Kodibuntu :nerd:
From the intel gfx i've only got vga, but from the nvidiacard i get all outputs. I have VGA-DVI-COMPONENT output, but I can output HDMI (but without sound) from the DVI-output.

But my friend bought another ASUS motherboard with the same chipset (I am almost sure of this), and he's got HDMI-output on the motherboard. This motherboard had the same pricetag as mine. Therefor it was also very cheap. Big Grin
My Stock Acer Aspire 3690 runs the live cd far better then the installed version on Ubuntu 8.04

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Working Linux Hardware Configs?0