Solved Accessing "Choose Extras" window
I was wondering if I'm missing something accessing the window to select extras.  I'm usually using a modded Estuary skin, but the issue applies to basic Estuary as well.
If I select a movie from the library with multiple versions, I get the "Choose Version" dialog, which has a tab for listed "Extras" as well.  That works great.
If I instead go to the movie information screen and select Extras, I get the "Extras Manager" dialog.
If I select Extras from the Context menu, that's still using the old Extras plug-in.

So if I have a movie that only has a single version, but does have extras, is there a way to bring up the dialog window to view/select extras?  Or is only the Extras Manager dialog accessible in this case?
If movie has single version but has extras you should still get the Choose Version dialog with the Extras button.
You should see this:


Then select 'Extras' to switch to the extras select dialog.
Okay, I think I've got it figured out.  I had to change the default action from "Play" to "Choose" in my settings.  If I have it set to Play on selecting a movie, I don't seem to have any way to bring up the Choose dialog for single-version movies.  Is that correct?  The Choose Version context menu item seems to only be present if there are multiple versions present.
It should appear with Play set as default action as well, or at least it did when I last checked.
(2024-05-18, 20:57)jjd-uk Wrote: It should appear with Play set as default action as well, or at least it did when I last checked.

Yeah, you're right.  I just double-checked and saw that.  I didn't think to try to play a movie to access the extras.  Seems a little counterintuitive, but now that I know, it's fine going forward.  We can go ahead and mark the thread solved then.  Thanks.
Thread marked solved.

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Accessing "Choose Extras" window0