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Solved Kodi not recognizing jujutsu kaisen season 2
for some reason kodi is not recognizing the season two episodes of jujutsu kaisen. we have the ma,ing format correct and there is not a permission issue as it can access and play the files just fine. however its not registering them with thje metadata to indicate that they are infact tv show episodes. kodi is connected to a raspberrty pi on a NAS, the TV shows folder which is shared which is shared through the NFS sonar is used for bulk renaming but not for nfo files, the NAS is running ubuntu server.

any advice you culd offer would be greatly appreciated
Link to the tv show from whichever scraper site you are using?

Need a Debug Log that captures the scraping.
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Thanks for your fast reply. Apologies for not including logs. I am using TMDB TV shows (link: While looking through Here, I noticed that even though Jujutsu Kaisen has two seasons, all of the episodes here are grouped under season one. That would be the root of my problem. I understand it's out of scope here, but how would you suggest solving this? Should I use a different scraper, or should I rename all of the files? If I should rename the files, can you tell me how I would know what to change them to so they can be properly recognized? Thanks again.
Really hope I don't dupe here. I made a reply previously but I think it got sent to the void because I pressed the wrong button. I apologize for not including logs. While I was checking the show on TMBD (Link: I noticed that even though JJK has two seasons, all of the episodes are grouped into season one here. That would be the root of my issue since my files are named as season 2 specifically. I hate to waste your time like this, sorry for not checking there before making a post. I understand it's out of scope here, but how would you suggest I fix this? Should I use a different scraper for a different site, or should I rename the files? If so, how do I know what to rename them to? should I just use absolute episode number? Thanks again.
(2024-06-23, 03:47)theartificer Wrote: I am using TMDB TV shows (link: While looking through Here, I noticed that even though Jujutsu Kaisen has two seasons, all of the episodes here are grouped under season one. That would be the root of my problem.
Yep, that is exactly right. With Anime shows, problems scraping usually comes down to this issue- users have a different setup to the listing at the scraper site.

You could rename your episodes to have them all in a single season. Just remember to make sure your files match the order shown in the scraper site listing.
You could swap to the TVDB v4 scraper and use TVDB as your source as they have two seasons...
Just check your files are in the same order as the scraper site.

This is the scraper to use for TVDB...
This is how you change scrapers... and note that you can change scrapers on the TV Show and not the Source, if you want to continue using TMDB for your other shows.

(2024-06-23, 03:54)theartificer Wrote: Really hope I don't dupe here. I made a reply previously but I think it got sent to the void because I pressed the wrong button.
Nope, you didn't. New members have their posts sent to moderation. A few more posts from you and it won't apply anymore.
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Oh, I also noticed that TheMovieDB has alternate orders that may suit your listing.
See Episode Orders for how to use...
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Quick update: After some fiddling with renaming, I just switched to TVDB instead. Actually I did that before I even read this while I was waiting to be moderated. Either way, thanks for your help! Have a nice day.
(2024-06-23, 04:14)theartificer Wrote: After some fiddling with renaming, I just switched to TVDB instead
Great. I'll mark this solved.
In case you missed my last post about TheMovieDB as we crossed posted.
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Thread marked solved.
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Kodi not recognizing jujutsu kaisen season 20