keymap and platform question
I've got a keymap.xml that's worked great for years on my pc setup.
I'm moving to an andriod box... using CoreElec.
I'd like to just copy the keymap.xml file, but have no idea where to put it on new box or exactly how to get it there.
Any help greatly appreciated.

I've tried the keymap addon.... it didn't go so well. I'd rather just copy the working file if the codes are the same.

This should tell you where to place it for whatever type of system you're using.
started with that, but the little note... 
"Note: In some Android setups the path may be slightly different to the one stated above."
... couldn't find it at the stated location... hence the question.
And I'm crap with android, so 'find -name keymaps.xml returned nothing....

Then keymap or remote folder, or something like that , not at home so cant check

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