Cloudflare Challenge
Hi All,

Recently I started getting the message, "Oh, Oh, Cloudshare Challenge" from one of the sites within a video addon.

I have done some digging and I have concluded that I don't know enough about Cloudshare to even know where to begin.  What I think I did see was that this error is thrown when and IP is being questioned or maybe something to do with geotargeting.  So, as you can see, I really don't have any idea how to resolve it.

Can anyone point me in some direction to help get me started?

I guess a good place to start is to be explicit about which video add-on you're talking about? 

Then, if it is one we can provide support for then a Debug Log would be useful.
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Hi, and thanks.

The addon is one of the adult addons (cumination), not sure if support is provided for these.

They aren't banned, but we generally don't support them (or host them in our repo).

Your best bet is to contact the author directly (there may be some details in the information of the addon) or via wherever you got it from.
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