Hardcoded subs displaying off screen
I have a few movies where the hardcoded subs are positioned in the lower black bars and therefore dont display on a 2.35:1 screen.
Ive used the Subtitles Position option for bottom of video and screen and Ive also tried the video calibration option but these dont change the position.

Is there another way to change their position?
(2024-08-19, 11:52)kassysimon Wrote: hardcoded subs
As in they are burnt into the video frames?
Nothing can be done about that as they are part of the video stream.
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I was afraid of that. Thanks for letting me know
There are programs which can OCR hard subs to text, but I haven't had much success (high error rate, but not where the sub is placed in a back bar so that might work better.).  Then you could re-encode with a crop, but of course you have to really be motivated to take on this project.

scott s.

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Hardcoded subs displaying off screen0